Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whole Brain Teaching and Back to School Nightmares

So I have been a very busy girl!
First, I went out of town a week ago to West Palm Beach for a Whole Brain Teaching Conference. Whole Brain Teaching is a new method (not quite the word, but don't really know how else to describe it) of teaching. It is totally fun and kid-centered and it's for all grade levels from Pre-K to college. The website is fabulous with lots of videos and FREE downloads. I recommend it to all teachers.
Anyways, I attended one there conferences last Tuesday and it was really great. The first part of the workshop dealt with classroom management...which what teacher doesn't need fresh ideas with that? The second part of the workshop discussed some super fun educational games that will help move students and get students motivated in all subjects. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but if you want to know more check out the website. www.wholebrainteaching.com It's worth it.
I got back in town last Thursday and have basically been working in my classroom ever since. Will post pictures of it once I'm through.
Now. One way you know the year is about to start is when you have your back-to-school nightmare. At least I have nightmares. This year I had 2. Unfortunately, I can only remember one of them at this point. It happened a week ago. Teachers were supposed to start back on August 17. When I arrived, I had the harrowing surprise of a messy classroom full of 20 students running around. Apparently, I was confused and missed the week of pre-planning. On top of this, I was at my old school and my old principal was making her way to my room. Total panic set in as I looked at my unorganized classroom and my unruly class. Luckily, I woke up and it was just a dream.

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